IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) Insertion and Removal at CBD Doctors Melbourne with Dr Natasha Mitik-Dineva and Dr Filip Vukasin

The intra-uterine device is undergoing a resurgence thanks in large part to the improved safety related to this highly effective contraceptive. Long gone are the frequent complications attributed to them in the 1970s - today's copper and Mirena IUDs are safe, highly effective (over 99%), long acting (5+ years) and used in all ages, including women who have never been pregnant nor had a vaginal delivery.

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About IUD Insertions and Removals

  • Your IUD options


    The copper IUD is a good option for women who would like to avoid all hormones and are happy to continue having their natural cycle. The copper IUD works by stopping sperm from fertilising an egg, but also prevents a possibly fertilised egg from implanting into the lining of the uterus. There are two options: 5 and 10 year copper IUD. Periods can be heavier and more painful for the first year but this usually settles over time.

    The Mirena IUD works in the same way as the copper IUD but in addition thickens cervical mucus, makes the uterine lining thinner and can sometimes also prevent ovulation. As such, periods usually become lighter, less painful and in about 50% of women their periods stop completely. This is a wonderful option for women who suffer from painful and heavy periods like those that occur in endometriosis.

  • IUD Insertion and Removal at CBD Doctors Melbourne


    The process of IUD insertion is straightforward and generally requires only two appointments.

    There are some pre-requisites that are discussed during the initial appointment. Some medications may be provided on the day in order to assist with the process.

    The first appointment is to confirm eligbility gain informed consent, and to both explain the IUD insertion process and answer any questions that the patient may have. Risks and benefits as well as complications are communicated to the patient at the time.

    The second appointment is insertion itself (and removal if required). Please allow for at least 60 minutes for this process.

    If you wish to book an IUD insertion or removal please book an appointment through the online booking portal on our website.  Alternatively you can call 03 9077 9912 and one of our friendly reception staff can make you an appointment as well as assist with any questions that you may have.

    More information regarding IUDs –


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