Welcome to CBD Doctors Melbourne Melbourne's Full Service Medical Centre Female Led and Family Run
Please note: All our patients are encouraged to book online via the HotDoc. If you are new patient you will need to book via HotDoc. Need help booking? Our simple booking process is here
Telephone and video consultations: Telehealth consultations can only be booked via HotDoc. New patients and those that haven’t attended our clinic for a face-to-face consultation in the last 12 months will be charged a full consultation fee and there will be no Medicare rebate. The exemptions are COVID-19 infection and pregnancy-related problems.
Please note: If you have a cough, sore throat, fever, or shortness of breath please book a TeleHealth Consultation online with one of our doctors for screening before attending the practice.
General Practice Care
We have doctors with interests and specializations across all areas of general practice, including women's health, men's health, children's health, chronic illness management, preventative medicine, mental health, and minor surgeries.
Women's Health
The doctors at CBD Doctors Melbourne are dedicated to providing high quality care whilst appreciating the individually tailored care required for all women.
Clinical Psychology
CBD Doctors Melbourne’s psychology team is made up of an experienced group of Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists. We provide a comprehensive range of Psychology Services for all mental health related issues.
BCG Vaccines
CBD Doctors Melbourne provide BCG vaccines for children between 3 months and 3 years of age. Although it is not part of the Australian National Immunisation Program it is available for people travelling to countries where the prevalence of tuberculosis is high.
Occupational Health
An exceptional organisation begins with the health of it's staff. CBD Doctors Melbourne offer employers occupational health solutions to manage and improve the health and general well-being of their employees.
Iron Infusions
At CBD Doctors Melbourne we provide infusions for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia. It is a short procedure where we inject iron carboxymaltase intravenously over 30 minutes.
Meet The Doctors
Female GPs (General Practitioners)
CBD Doctors Melbourne has three very experienced Female Doctors with a combined experience of 30+ years in the medical field industry. When you need to see a female practitioner in Melbourne CBD, then Dr Jelena Radosavljevic, or Dr Mitik-Dineva can assist you with all Women’s Health services such as Pap Screening and Breast Checks, Sexual Health, Cosmetic Medicine, Family planning, Menopausal Changes and Medical Terminations of Pregnancy to name a few.
Area of Speciality
- General Practice
- Family Health
- Cosmetic Medicine
- Sexual Health
- Women’s Health
Languages Spoken
- English
- Serbian
- Croatian
- Macedonian
- Hindi
Dr Sarah Howells MBBS, Female General Practitioner
Languages Spoken
English Profile Book -
Dr Jelena Radosavljevic MBBS, FRACGP, FAChPM Female General Practitioner
Languages Spoken
English, Serbian, Croatian Profile Book -
Dr Natasha Mitik-Dineva RAACGP, DRANZCOG Female General Practitioner
Languages Spoken
English, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian Profile Book
Male GPs (General Practitioners)
CBD Doctors Melbourne has four highly renowned and respected Male Doctors in Melbourne CBD who between them speak over four different languages including Cantonese, and Mandarin. All of the Male General Practitioners practice General Health with some specialising in Men’s Heath, Travel Medicals, and Mental Health to name a few.
Area of Speciality
- Mental Health
- Travel Medicine
- Sexual Health including Mirena and IUD insertions
- Men's Health
- LGBTIQ Health
Languages Spoken
- English
- Mandarin
- Cantonese
Dr Josh Chian Shuin Ng MBBS, FRACGP, FAChPM Male General Practitioner
Languages Spoken
English, Cantonese, Mandarin Profile Book -
Dr Hugh Leslie MBBS, FRACGP, Dip Obst RACOG, FACHI Male General Practitioner
Languages Spoken
English Profile Book -
Dr Jackson Lau FRACGP Male General Practitioner
Languages Spoken
English, Cantonese Profile Book
Clinical Psychologists
CBD Doctors Melbourne’s psychology team is made up of an experienced group of Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists. We provide a comprehensive range of Psychology Services for all mental health related issues including Depression, Panic Disorders, PTSD, Stress Management, Sleep Disorders, Schizophrenia, Bullying and Relationship Counselling to name a few.
Area of Speciality
- Depression
- Social Anxiety
- Panic Disorders
- Adjustment Disorders
- Stress Management
- Sleep Disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Bullying
- Relationship Counselling
Languages Spoken
- English
Jennifer Baillie Clinical Psychologist
Languages Spoken
English Profile

Australian Open
Here for the Australian Open and need to see a doctor unexpectedly? We would love to assist you. A bit about us: We are a small family business who have been proudly operating within Melbourne for over 10 years. Offering a range of services from women’s health, men’s health and travel consultations we
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Personalised Abortion (Medical Termination of Pregnancy) with going support provided Australia Wide. A discreet and non-judgmental service.
We know how hard and isolating it can be to decide to terminate your pregnancy. We respect your decision to choose and don’t want you to feel like you are alone. That’s why we are improving our services to include ongoing nurse support during your termination and post your doctor consultation. In line with the
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Booking with us is simple
Follow the process below Please note: all new patients are required to book online 1. Website home page: On our home page select either “Book Online” or “Book Appointment” 2. Select your preferred doctor and click “View [Doctors name]” 3. Select “See Available Appointment Times” 4. Confirm “who you
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Sexuality Transmitted Infections Testing (Results Within 2 Hours*) Coming Soon
Point of care testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Results will be in about 2 hours*. Until a few years ago, the heterosexual population was considered a low-risk group for blood born infections, like HIV, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B, syphilis.Congenital syphilis was rare and many of doctors didn’t see it in their lifetime. In 2024
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BCG Clinic – vaccine against tuberculosis
BCG vaccine is a vaccine against tuberculosis (TB). Although it is not part of the Australian National Immunisation Program it is available for people travelling to countries where the prevalence of tuberculosis is high. Please see link below for list of countries where tuberculosis is prevalent. At CBD Doctors Melbourne we provide BCG vaccines
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